Empowering Patient Independence with the Toto Cradle: Lincolnshire County Council’s Story


Empowering Patient Independence with the Toto Cradle: Lincolnshire County Council’s Story

Looking for a social care solution to help a patient return home after developing a pressure ulcer in hospital, Lincolnshire County Council’s Occupational Therapy team recently implemented the Toto Cradle Automated Lateral Patient Turning System for their patient, Helen*.

Helen had been struggling with recurring pressure ulcers since February 2024, requiring frequent hospitalisations. After each discharge, Helen was placed in a care home due to the intensive level of care needed and regular manual turning requirements, as determined by the tissue viability nurse.

Positional changes every two hours were essential to manage her pressure ulcers, a requirement that could not be met in her own home without extensive overnight care.

Linda Brownett, as part of the Occupational Therapy team, was already familiar with turning mattresses as stock items. However, many on the market provided a level of rotation that was too significant for Helen’s needs. What Helen required was a gentle tilt for pressure relief, which led the team to explore alternative solutions: and ultimately, to choose the Toto Cradle.

Linda Brownett said: “We found the Toto Cradle to offer a unique solution, by inflating in the opposite direction to provide a subtle tilt, which makes it ideal for pressure relief. The product seemed to be the best option for Helen, and the exceptional support we had from Frontier Medical Group to train the teams and advise on best practice made it an even easier decision.

“The company provided detailed pressure mapping to demonstrate that the Toto Cradle’s rolling motion had the same clinical impact as manual repositioning every two hours, and this evidence enabled our team to advocate successfully for Helen’s return to her family home. It’s an amazing result for the patient, her family, and the social care team.

“Helen’s quality of life improved dramatically after transitioning to the Toto Cradle at home. The device not only allowed her to return to her family but also facilitated significant healing of her pressure ulcers. The ulcers, which previously required daily dressings and intervention from district nurses, are now nearly healed. Helen’s care has shifted to routine monitoring rather than intensive treatment, underscoring the effectiveness of the Toto Cradle in pressure ulcer management.

“The Toto Cradle proved to be user-friendly and manageable for both Helen’s family and the care team. The device can be easily unplugged, reset, and operated as needed, ensuring seamless integration into Helen’s daily care routine. This ease of operation further contributed to its success in a home care setting.”

Helen expressed great satisfaction with the Toto Cradle and her improved circumstances at home. The Occupational Therapy team also commended the device for its clinical efficacy and practicality.

Linda continued: “We would certainly recommend the Toto Cradle to other healthcare practitioners, as it has demonstrated the ability to improve patient outcomes and support home-based care – all while reducing the need for intensive nursing interventions.”

For more information about the Toto Cradle Automated Lateral Patient Turning System, visit:

Toto® Cradle

A unique, patented automated patient turning platform used for patient repositioning as part of a pressure area care programme.

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