Enabling patients’ independence with the Toto Cradle


Pressure ulcers, also known as pressure sores or bed sores, can often occur when patients spend long periods of time bedbound.

Louise* has MS and enjoys sitting out in her electric wheelchair, however during this time, she developed a category 4 pressure ulcer. As a bariatric patient, Louise was at high risk of developing further pressure sores and so her team were seeking solutions to help the wound heal and prevent it from worsening.

Tissue viability nurses were involved in her care, but Louise was initially against automated turning or trying new equipment, which might cause discomfort.

After her care team spoke with a clinical specialist Occupational Therapist, the Toto® Cradle Automated Lateral Patient Turning System was recommended. The representative, Jaqueline Caudill, attended the care team and provided training on how to use the cradle while explaining how it could be used as part of a package of care to treat pressure ulcers. The Toto® Cradle was the only assistive technology the patient would accept, as she found it to be comfortable and well-balanced.

Louise said: “The Toto® Cradle is 100% better than other products. It is not violent and feels like it’s doing what it’s meant to do but in a safe and comfortable way. I can’t even feel it moving which is brilliant, as it makes it a much more comfortable and positive experience for me. I’m able to stay at home, which is a hugely positive outcome.”

Georgia Parr, Occupational Therapist at West Suffolk Community Service, said: “Since we started using the Toto® Cradle, the District Nurses have found that the slough (necrotic tissue) within the category 4 wound is improving and the area has started to granulate (sign of healing). We’re seeing a huge improvement in the first few months of using the Toto® Cradle.

“Before we knew about the lateral turning system, we were looking at increasing Louise’s care to including manual turning. This would have been expensive, but also challenging for the patient as laying on her side would mean she would have limited time to complete her meaningful activities in bed.

“We are pleased with the results so far and how it has drastically improved Louise’s care, lifestyle, and recovery.”

For more information on the Toto® Lateral Patient Turning System, visit https://www.frontier-group.co.uk/product/toto-cradle.  

Toto® Cradle

A unique, patented automated patient turning platform used for patient repositioning as part of a pressure area care programme.

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