Stop The Pressure Awareness Pack 2024


At Frontier Medical Group, we want to play our part, supporting local and national #stopthepressure events all-year around, as healthcare providers promote pressure ulcer prevention awareness within their own organisations.

One way the team will be supporting events this year, will be with our Pressure Ulcer Prevention Awareness Packs, designed to aid clinicians and caregivers with pressure ulcer prevention (PUP) awareness activities, providing educational and awareness materials designed to support PUP training within healthcare organisations.

Our awareness packs include the following support materials; PUP Leaflets, Infographic Posters, PUP Awareness Posters and a large Pressure Area Care Challenge Poster.

It is of course a small step, but from our experience of working with trusts and TVN teams, we’ve seen the impact pressure ulcers can have on all parties if not appropriately managed.

It’s one of the reasons why we have such a wide pressure ulcer prevention range, including the Repose range of pressure redistribution products, including Ultracore Repose Lite Inside and the Toto® Lateral Turning System. Our solutions help meet the diverse requirements of patients in both acute and community settings, providing effective pressure redistribution and offloading solutions.tex

You can find out more by visiting our website, but if you too would like to get involved and help raise awareness of pressure ulcers and treatment, there are a number of ways you can join in, whether it’s through our own pressure ulcer prevention event, education or online using the #stopthepressure and #STOPPUDay2024 tags.

STOP the Pressure Awareness Pack

DOWNLOAD your FREE STOP the Pressure Awareness Digital Pack today.


A range of reactive air pressure redistribution and reduction support surfaces


An automated lateral patient turning system

Ultracore Repose® Lite Inside

A non-powered, reactive air and foam hybrid mattress replacement system

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