Pressure Ulcer Prevention is Better Than Cure
This new year, we’re encouraging you to put your health and the health of your loved ones front and centre.
This international cooperation aims to develop evidence-based recommendations for the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers, that can be used by health professionals, patient consumers and informal care givers throughout the world(1).
The list of guidelines is very broad and contains recommendations on several topics. The decision to adopt any recommendations must be made by the multidisciplinary healthcare team, in collaboration with patients and informal care givers, taking in to account available resources and the patients individual circumstances(1).
The guideline consists of five main sections, and the information in this document includes some important recommendations and good practice, within the sections that apply directly to the Frontier portfolio of solutions.
The clinical observation of the patient and their skin and a full risk assessment, care planning and re-assessment, are key in estimating the risk of pressure ulcers.
When patients at risk of pressure ulcers are newly admitted to the care service, a pressure ulcer risk screening should be conducted as soon as possible (i.e. at first contact with the health professional), and periodically thereafter.
Further information can be found on the EPUAP / NPIAP / PPPIA websites:
Repose is a range of reactive air pressure redistribution solutions, all with high levels of immersion and envelopment.
Toto is an automated lateral patient turning system, that repositions individuals evenly, smoothly and consistently, whilst effectively redistributing pressure.
A non-powered, reactive air and foam hybrid mattress replacement system
Dermisplus Prevent redistributes peak pressures over a wider surface area, reducing the risk of pressure related tissue damage.
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This new year, we’re encouraging you to put your health and the health of your loved ones front and centre.
New Dermisplus Prevent Tubes are innovative tri-block polymer gel tubes designed to redistribute pressure caused by medical devices from nasal cannulas to catheters.
International Guidelines for Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment
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